Main Features:
- Last Hit (E, Q, EQ)
- Combo (Q, E, EQ, R)
- Harass (Q, E, EQ)
- Auto-Harass (Q)
- Lane Clear (Q, E, EQ)
- Jungle Clear (Q, E, EQ)
- Flee (E)
- Killsteal (Q, E, EQ, Items, Ignite)
- Auto Wind Wall + Positioning for Wind Wall
- Use Items (Tiamat/Hydra/Bilgewater Cutlass/BOTRK/Yomuus)
- R if all enemies in vision range are knocked up
- R if 3+ enemies are knocked up
- Don't E Under Turret
- Flee Mode sometimes dashes at weird angles, but works fine still.
In the future:
- E on enemy with E stacks are >= x
- Use Target Selector
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