
Polecamy serdecznie strone

piątek, 8 kwietnia 2016

Shared Experience


What is Shared Experience?

Shared Experience is an Addon that checks the amount of experience that a visible enemy is getting to tell how many enemies are in range (visible or not).
It also help's by showing with champions are MIA.

What is the purpose of this?

To prevent sneaky lane gank's or lane bush face checks, if a jungler is getting experience in the bush, you will know.
It show's a text next to each champion telling how many champions are sharing exp with him and how many of those are not visible.
Also draws a predicted location for not visible enemies.
Also draws enemy list with MIA info.

+2 (1 Inv) means that this champion is sharing experience with 2 more champions and one of them is not Visible  (Jinx is hidden in the top bush). The red circle indicates where the invisible enemy could be. And at the champions list above the minimap you can see with enemy is in the bush (only if the others are visible or far away).

In the enemy list: Green means enemy is far away, close to orange means near you, red means he is near and hidden on fow, it takes into account enemy missing time and movement speed to give the colors.

I hope you enjoy! 

Report anything if you have any problem ! ^_^

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