Hey guys, today I release PerfectPing, an addon designed to help you climb by providing information to you and your mates ingame.
So, what does it do ?
While this addon is running, it will, in an ntelligent manner, ping at enemy position if the enemy is visible and he is roaming (ganking).
To do so, differents parameter are verified: the position of the enemy, the time he has spent invisible, the last time we made a ping on his position etc...
Put simply, are is the features avaible in the menu :
- Auto disable after XX minutes : it will disable the pings after XX amout of time.
- Tim e visible before detect (ms) : the time needed before pinging someone (avoid insta obvious inhuman pings)
- Time before pinging hero again (ms) : self explanatory, will avoid pinging someone who keep entering/exiting a bush.
- Time between seperate ping (ms) : avoid spam ping
- Type of ping to use (Normal, Fallback, Danger) : Keep in mind, ping are not loca, fallback and danger will ping with your name while normal are anonymous
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