·Auto Reveal
·Auto Reveal
·Reveals Stealth / Bush
·In Combo mode / perma active
·In Combo mode / perma active
·Auto Level up
·Auto Level spells with a selected set of spells
·Auto Cleanse

·Selectable debuffs for cleanse
·Highly Configurable
· Item Activator
·Uses Offence / Defense items
·Uses Potions
·Easy to use and set

·Uses Offence / Defense items
·Uses Potions
·Easy to use and set
·Summoner Spells
· Supports Heal / Ignite / Smite / Exhaust / Barrier
· Smites all Jungle monster with highly configurable settings

· Supports Heal / Ignite / Smite / Exhaust / Barrier
· Smites all Jungle monster with highly configurable settings
·Tracks Recalls / Surrender Votes / Traps / Enemy Way Points / Health tracker
·Configurable Settings

·Tracks Recalls / Surrender Votes / Traps / Enemy Way Points / Health tracker
·Configurable Settings
·Ganks Detector
·Skin Hack
· Easy to use with no crashes
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