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czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2016

Kalista - Bound for Eternity

Kalista - Bound for Eternity

  • Automated modes with Mana control (Combo, Harass and so on)
  • Advanced E resets with orbwalking on minions.
  • E before death with customization.
  • Nearly perfect E calculations, calculating in Exhaust, Spell-shields, Blitzcrank passive and other shields.
  • Soul bound saver to save your eternal buddy from too much incoming damage.
  • Various other small things included in each mode
  • Sentinel Trick at Dragon/Baron.
  • Advanced Features Listed
Advanced Features: 
Kalista Orbwalking.
Orbwalking on minions to gapclose to champions and reset E for slows during combo.

Kalista Items.
Use Bilgewater Cutlass
Use Blade of the Ruined King
Use Youmuu's Ghostblade

Kalista Q logic.
Q Combo High Hitance on enemies outside of AA range with mana controll.
Q Harass High Hitchance on enemies outside of AA range with mana controll.
Q Dynamic Wallhopping by Hellsing.
Q Auto Attack Reset.

Kalista E Logic:
E Logic, (fire E on set stacks with slider).
E Logic Auto E on killable.
E Logic Auto E on killable Jungle Camps.
E Logic Auto E on Cannon minions.
E Logic Auto E when you can't kill a minion with AA
E Logic E on Baron/Dragon.
E Logic Spellshield/Exaust. (Won't E into Spellshields/calculates in Exaust).
E Logic for Anti Tryndamere, Alistar, Kayle. (Won't waste E).
E Logic, Reset E on minions of enemy has 1+ stack
E Logic, E before death (hp % slider to use E, default 10).
E Logic, Draws E damage on hp bar + color picker.
E Logic, Draws E damage in % on enemy champions.
E Logic, E Damage reduction (customizable slider to reduce E damage for perfect resets).
E Logic, Waveclear, Kills minions with E if minions will die. 2x by default, customizable with mana slider.

Kalista W Logic:
W Logic, Send Sentinel inside dragon/baron for unlimited dragon vision.

Kalista R Logic:
R Logic, Use R to save your soulbounded partner.

Logic summary: 
  • Combo mode
  • Gapclosing
  • Orbwalking
  • Items
  • Perfect E
  • Harass Logic
  • Minion Resets
  • Mana Management
  • Killsteal
  • Jungle Steal
  • Waveclearing

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