Alright! We are working everyone!

Change line width of each danger level
Change line color of each danger level

Enable / Disable Drawing Of Each Spell
Enable / Disable Dodging Of Each Spell
Extra Evade Distance
Reaction Times
Dodge Interval
Fast Movement Block
Prevent Dodging Near Enemy's
Prevent Dodging Under Tower
Spell Collision
Dodge Only Dangerous + Toggle Keys

Vayne Tumble
Kindred Q
Ahri Tumble
Caitlyn E
Corki W
50+ More

To Do
- Change Evade Mode depending on current situation. (Example: Dodge only dangerous when above 75% health)
- Fix a few issues with round skill shots (Lux e, Brand W)
- Update / Add some spells in the skill shot database
Fix Ping Buffers- Look at FOW detection, not working 100% at the moment.

Kindred Q Showcase
Note: i can cover names at request, didn't do it for above video because its just a test account.
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